128 а Malysheva Street
Yekaterinburg City
SCB-Expert Testing Center Ltd.
About us
Our services
Test conditions


Quality management policy

SCB-Expert Testing Center Ltd. works in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and normative documents of the Customs Union on the basis of the certificate of accreditation and other allowing documents.

Our goal is to create and maintain a reputation of an independent and technically competent organization in terms of testing.

Main tasks to achieve this goal:

  • maintaining a high level of testing, in accordance with the rules and test methods established in the field of accreditation;
  • providing the client with objective and reliable information on the results of the tests..
  • SCB-Expert Testing Center Ltd. undertakes:

    • to maintain compliance with Test center accreditation criteria;
    • to ensure the independence of the Test center;
    • not to participate in the implementation of activities that would reduce the trust;
    • ensure continuous improvement of the quality management system;
    • provide attentive attitude to each client.

    All employees of the Testing center must strictly follow this policy in the field of quality.

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